Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Rule At School

I use my phone for music when I'm in class, I really only have two people to text and they don't text me a lot.  I listen to the music during individual work time, not when the teachers are giving us instructions.  Music keeps me calm and keeps my mental processes at bay, it keeps my internal thoughts at a minimum, and helps me to focus.
That is the reason I use my phone in class.  I don't fool around, I don't talk at all, I don't even have that opportunity.  I am in school for a purpose and I am here to learn and get good grades so I can have a successful future.  I want good grades, I want to try, and I want to be at school.
But teachers, and the school board, need to realise that this is society right now.  Music helps so many people and taking it away isn't fair to the students who really do try, get good grades (or try/want to get good grades) .  Sure, there are students who fool around, slack off, and truly don't want to be there; but it will hit them one day.  And they will be sorry and they will want to get somewhere.  They will find that one thing that makes them want to be alive, whether they are fifteen, or twenty-six.

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