Tuesday, February 24, 2015

First Day at "Work"

I'm taking a class called Carrer & Work Exploration and I've done my in-class portion. I'm now doing my work experience portion, which is 60 hours. I'm going to a Health Clinic for therapy and mental health. There will be professors there taking our questions and giving information about what I want to do in my future. This clinic is on March 11, and goes all day. The amount of time I am gone for this will be taken off of my required 60 work hours. The event will last about 7 hours, so I can take 7 hours off of working at my work placement.  My first day went good. Days 4 & 5 I will be doing prep work for my employer (gr 1 teacher), and every other day will be reading and math, or art. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cycling - Spin Class

5 more weeks until spring! 
My average cadence was 88 tonight, which is great for an average.
Intervals with 6 minutes of Zone 5, 15 seconds on, 15 seconds off (Zone1). 
Then again, but for 5 minutes.

Will be cycling in Penticton, BC for my whole Easter break! That's coming up fast, only a month and a half until we leave. I fly back, to cut time and give us more time on the bike.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Cycling - Spin Class

Nailed my goal right on the spot! 
85 cadence AND I felt great after! 
This included the low cadence I had while taking a break, as well as the high cadence I kept for the intervals.
This is why I love cyclocross, it tires me out then I get hyper/good mood after!  
Definately worth it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Rule At School

I use my phone for music when I'm in class, I really only have two people to text and they don't text me a lot.  I listen to the music during individual work time, not when the teachers are giving us instructions.  Music keeps me calm and keeps my mental processes at bay, it keeps my internal thoughts at a minimum, and helps me to focus.
That is the reason I use my phone in class.  I don't fool around, I don't talk at all, I don't even have that opportunity.  I am in school for a purpose and I am here to learn and get good grades so I can have a successful future.  I want good grades, I want to try, and I want to be at school.
But teachers, and the school board, need to realise that this is society right now.  Music helps so many people and taking it away isn't fair to the students who really do try, get good grades (or try/want to get good grades) .  Sure, there are students who fool around, slack off, and truly don't want to be there; but it will hit them one day.  And they will be sorry and they will want to get somewhere.  They will find that one thing that makes them want to be alive, whether they are fifteen, or twenty-six.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Cycling - Spin Class

This week, Wednesday, will be the 10th week of 17 Weeks to Spring (an annual winter spin class for my cycling).  We will be doing Zone 5 in short bursts, which will total 3 minutes by the end of the hour. Warm-up, water, and cool-down is crutial.  My average cadence goal is 85 or higher (number of pedal rotations per minute) for the night.

Current cadence record: 150 rpm (in spin ups, Jan 28, 2015)

"Where I'm From"

I am from long, twisting roads and wind in my hair;
From Christie’s cookies and milk on cold winter days.
I am from a broken-home, light bulbs dull,
Tension around every corner, and smelling like lemon and wood.

I am from drooping sunflowers and hopeful daisies;
From raspberry bushes and tall mountainous figures.
I am from coloured Easter eggs and high hopes;
From Hodgsons and Christies, grammas and papas.

I am from stubbornness and grudge holders;
From ‘suck-it-up’ and ‘get-over-it’.
I am from a lack of faith, I believe our loved ones may be
Looking down on us, guiding and protecting us.

I'm from my mother, granddaughter of Chris Christie; 
From nights filled with cold cereal and warm milk. 
From snow-covered hills and my papa’s laughter, from tobogganing to skating; 
The outgoing and stubbornness from him and my gramma, I have them to thank it for.

I am from photo albums, locked away in hidden boxes;
We can't see them until the passing of my gramma and papa; 
I hope I will never get to see the photo albums.
The amount of work that's gone into them is priceless;

Every moment has been documented
As a single, precious moment.
Those moments fill all of the forgotten memories;
These photo albums are priceless to me.

Sydney Dahl

Sunday, February 1, 2015

A Strike of Hope

Music doesn't only let us pass time and start up a party.  
It lets us be who we want to be and shapes us into the people we really are.  The words we hear stuck in our heads are the beliefs and opinions we build or oppose.  It gives us hope and something to hold on to.  We can relate to the stories artists share, and we meet people we can relate to in the fan-base.

Music is a strike of hope.